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8 simple tips for brands on Instagram

8 simple tips for brands on Instagram

Instagram, you either love it or hate it, there is no middle ground. Brands have the obligation to develop a good strategy that allows them to connect with the large number of users who increasingly abandon social networks in favor of the camera network. But how is this done?

We talk a lot about Instagram, we all think it is a simple social network, without much fuss, which makes it so interesting. Getting started is very easy, publishing is very simple, however, when we talk about results, things change. When we work strategies with brands on Instagram, getting followers, getting notoriety, is not as simple as it may seem a priori.

It is true that one of the main problems of this search for gold on Instagram is the great lack of measurement tools that allow you to analyze the content faster / more efficiently. By the way, I am assuming that the photos, the main and only asset of your profile, are good, interesting, attractive (and this is taking a lot for granted).

1. Use hashtags

We have said it by active and passive, it is not about using 300 hashtags, it uses 2–3 hashtags chosen intelligently. Do not stop using them, if you want your brand to achieve visibility, the first way is this. Think that the vast majority of users use the search for photos with hashtags, especially those that are not trite (see #love #fun #tbt etc.).

2. Be constant

When we talk about building communities, consistency is key. Try to post daily or at least once a week.

3. Frequency versus volume

Be careful with the frequency of publication. Measure the changes that the profile experiences when you go from publishing 1 photo a week to 2, when you go from publishing 1 a day to 2, etc. Be careful with this, measure to ensure that you are not annoying your followers.

And key in the frequency not to publish at the same time. If you have to post multiple photos in a day, space them out so that at least 3 hours pass between one photo and another. Even so, it is not advisable to go crazy for many followers we have, we must analyze engagement ratios to assess how much we are doing and if we are passing, if not, it will seem that everything works.

4. Faces better than landscapes

Users are people, and as people, they want to connect with people. That said, the more personal the profile is, the more engagement it will get.

5. Smart content

It is clear that here each of us write what we want. However, when it comes to a brand, with a defined strategy, we have to work with the correct content, at the correct time, in the correct format. This means, for example, putting a photo of a beach bar and a beer in the middle of August. Logic. Common sense. Your fans are on vacation, this is not the time for Einstein quotes (or yes).

6. Contests / Giveaways

Contests are the best way to quickly activate a community or grow it. They work very well, as long as they make sense for the brand, they will make you grow very quickly. Needless to say, let's get creative about all of this, let's not go back to the "most liked photo" contests.

7.If you give, you receive

One of the most effective tactics on Instagram is, knowing that users are not connecting with you lately (try to monitor this type of information in a dashboard), give them a like on their photos to "reactivate" them. Look at the reactivation percentages, you will be surprised: How many inactive followers have I liked? How many of these have returned to our profile to like a photo?

8. Drive traffic from other channels

You have 100,000 followers on Facebook, don't you think it's time to tell them that you have an Instagram profile? If you also link this with a contest, the benefit will be double and your community will grow even faster.

And for you, what is the best thing that has worked for you to improve your engagement/community on Instagram? Let me Know In the comment section!

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