(function(i,m,p,a,c,t){c.ire_o=p;c[p]=c[p]||function(){(c[p].a=c[p].a||[]).push(arguments)};t=a.createElement(m);var z=a.getElementsByTagName(m)[0];t.async=1;t.src=i;z.parentNode.insertBefore(t,z)})('https://utt.impactcdn.com/P-A4441360-e9b0-4ece-8d08-1a14071420071.js','script','impactStat',document,window);impactStat('transformLinks');impactStat('trackImpression'); What is the footer?

What is the footer?

What is the footer?
The footer is the lower part of a web structure that generally includes navigation links, links of interest, copyright or buttons to the site's social networks.

The footer is usually clearly differentiated in some way from the rest of the web page . Either by changing its background color or by changing the font size.

What is the footer?

The footer is reserved to highlight everything on the website that may have gone unnoticed , such as social networks, contact or a contact or subscription form. It is also often used to place the copyright or privacy policy.

What should the footer include? The ideal is to put only the most important. We must not fill the footer with elements that do not contribute anything or confuse the user . Although it is a widespread practice, we should not include elements such as the site map or images or too much text.

Regarding the design of the footer, we can use colors that make it stand out but that do not clash with the colors of the style guide . The footer is the central point in which to put the contact information of the company so that the potential client has no excuse to contact you or to learn a little more about your brand.

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