(function(i,m,p,a,c,t){c.ire_o=p;c[p]=c[p]||function(){(c[p].a=c[p].a||[]).push(arguments)};t=a.createElement(m);var z=a.getElementsByTagName(m)[0];t.async=1;t.src=i;z.parentNode.insertBefore(t,z)})('https://utt.impactcdn.com/P-A4441360-e9b0-4ece-8d08-1a14071420071.js','script','impactStat',document,window);impactStat('transformLinks');impactStat('trackImpression'); What is A/B Testing?

What is A/B Testing?

The A/B Test consists of developing and launching two versions of the same element and measuring which one works better. It is a test that helps us to optimize an email marketing strategy or improve the effectiveness of a landing page.

If you have detected that your page is going through a bad time, it is time to apply actions to improve your opening rate and click-throughs.

How does the A/B Test work?

This method consists of developing two versions of the same element that we are going to launch to the market (for example, a blue and a yellow CTA button), and then using the metrics of each variation to evaluate which one works better .

Contrary to what it may seem, making many variations does not have to produce negative impacts ; they are incremental changes that will keep your users connected and closer to the last link of the purchase cycle.

To use the A/B Test well, we must focus our attention on those elements that influence the opening rate of an email and the clicks that the user makes on a landing page. These are some of those elements that we can test in an A/B Test:
  • The words, colors, sizes and placement of your CTAS.
  • The headlines and bodies of your product descriptions.
  • The extension of a form and types of fields.
  • The layout or visual structure of your website.
  • The mode of presentation of the price of your products and promotional offers.
  • The images (location, purpose, content and quantity) of the landings and pages of your product.
  • Amount of text on a web page or in a blog post.
Apply it! You'll notice curious behavioral trends in A/B testing that can help you spot improvements more efficiently than, say, market research. In the end, it is still a quantitative approach that can measure behavior patterns of our visitors and provide the necessary insights to develop solutions .

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