(function(i,m,p,a,c,t){c.ire_o=p;c[p]=c[p]||function(){(c[p].a=c[p].a||[]).push(arguments)};t=a.createElement(m);var z=a.getElementsByTagName(m)[0];t.async=1;t.src=i;z.parentNode.insertBefore(t,z)})('https://utt.impactcdn.com/P-A4441360-e9b0-4ece-8d08-1a14071420071.js','script','impactStat',document,window);impactStat('transformLinks');impactStat('trackImpression'); What is an influencer?

What is an influencer?

An influencer is a person who has a certain credibility on a specific topic, and due to their presence and influence on social networks, they can become an interesting prescriber for a brand.

What is an influencer?

It is as simple as asking yourself: what would you buy before, a shampoo that you have seen advertised at the bus stop or a shampoo that your lifelong hairdresser has recommended?

The credibility of the second option is much higher than the first. You know that your hairdresser understands hair care, that he has tried the product, that he liked it and you trust him enough to know that he would not recommend something that would be harmful to you. This is one of the keys to connecting with an audience, having  legitimacy  to talk about a product or service.

A positive reference to a product or service by an apparently disinterested person can provide that final motivation that a potential customer lacks for the purchase. If we add to that the online reach that an influencer's recommendation can have, we find a practically guaranteed success resource. 

How to choose an influencer?

We must bear in mind that not all influencers fit with our brand or with our digital strategy . Therefore, we must know how to identify those that, due to their values, style, tone and personality, are more similar to our brand. There was a time when anything went. Today, however, the key is to ensure that there is a clear match between influencer and brand. Also, obviously, depending on our objectives and budget (although not everything is paid) we will choose some influencers or others.

Research is fundamental in a campaign with influencers . We must not take things for granted. Not even if the influencer knows how to copy + paste  . Investigate well how to take advantage of the influencer's skills to prevent us from asking for things that do not fit with their way of communicating. For example, if you communicate great doing illustration, let's not ask for videos on camera.

To choose an influencer well, we must take into account these three premises:

  • His ability to generate opinions and reactions in other users when he talks about a specific topic. If something characterizes them is their ability to generate conversation around a topic or brand, we must know how to take advantage of this aspect. Therefore, analyze the rate of interaction with your audience with some tool or by hand, taking a list of the last 30 contents and do the calculations yourself. It's not rocket science ;-)  
  • The audience potential of an influencer on a given topic. Influencer followers are more valuable for their quality than for their quantity. Do not forget!
  • The level of participation in the conversation on the topic in question. The involvement of the influencer in the action is essential to guarantee its success
  • Are you posting sponsored content every day? You are not interested in joining very promotional personalities. The important thing about an influencer is his bond with the audience. Look for the profiles that get the most organically. 
  • Beware of the participation rate. Forget that the fans are the most important thing. The key is obviously to have a sufficient audience, but keep in mind that if you have 50,000 fans and 300 interactions per post on average, the reach you will be paying will be too high. The work will be more difficult, but spend time looking for those profiles that really connect with your audience. 

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