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What is Instagram?

What is Instagram?

What is Instagram? Instagram is a social network and mobile application designed to take, retouch and share photos and videos.

Launched in October 2010 on IOS and in April 2012 on Android, its main attraction for the user was the ability to add filters to photos and videos, which were given a square format with rounded edges reminiscent of cameras. lomographic or old Polaroid.

How to do well on Instagram?

As it has grown, it has added the possibility of tagging photos using hashtags, integration with other social networks and a huge and very active community. That is why it is so interesting for brands.

In fact, almost all brands already have an Instagram profile. However, not all of them know how to get the most out of it . You want to learn?

  • Use hashtags ; so that your brand has visibility. Choose very well which ones.
  • Be constant ; try to post with a constant frequency.
  • Frequency ; Space out your posts so you don't overwhelm your followers.
  • Use personas : Increase engagement and like users.
  • Plan a strategy : You won't get anything by posting what you want at any given time.
  • Contests : Fundamental to gain followers related to your brand and reward those you already have.
  • Use different formats: don't forget that stories are the best way to stay "active". Try IGTV , for example by redistributing your Youtube videos by adapting them to IGTV.
  • Be generous with your users : Like their posts or reply to some of their comments. This will improve engagement on Instagram .

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