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What is Branded Content?

What is Branded Content?

Branded Content consists of generating content linked to a brand that allows that brand to connect with the consumer , which is why it is very useful in an Inbound Marketing or content strategy.

How does Branded Content arise?

Brands have long ceased to be an entity that only manufactured products or offered a service for their client and began to generate content.

It is mainly designed to convey values, emotions, ways of thinking and elements, perhaps less tangible, but with a correctly constructed storytelling , they can be capable of generating that connection. In other words, the objective of Branded Content is to generate notoriety and brand affinity ( branding ) rather than specifically sell a product or service.

A clear example of Branded Content is the case of Popeye, which arose from the need of the US Chamber of Spinach Producers to encourage the consumption of spinach in children of the generation of the thirties and, in the end, they came up with develop a comic strip of a muscular sailor who grew strong by eating spinach.

What it is about is knowing how to understand the user's needs and giving them what they need. If you do it right, your Branded Content will be your best ally to make your user fall in love forever.

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