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What is responsive design?

What is responsive design?

Responsive or adaptive web design is a web design technique that seeks the correct display of the same page on different devices. From desktop computers to tablets and mobiles.

Today we access websites from all kinds of devices; computer, tablet, smartphone... so, more and more, we need our website to adapt to their different sizes. But what exactly is this?

What is responsive design?

It is about resizing and placing the elements of the web in such a way that they adapt to the width of each device, allowing a correct visualization and a better user experience. It is characterized because the layouts (content) and images are fluid and CSS3 media-queries code is used.

Responsive design reduces development time, avoids duplicate content, and increases content virality as it allows sharing much faster and more naturally.

It is based on providing all users of a website with the same content and a user experience as similar as possible, compared to other approaches to mobile web development such as the creation of apps, domain change or dynamically served websites depending on the device. .

In short, responsive web design is consolidated as one of the best practices in web design today . Although like all of them, it has its pros and cons, the responsive web is nowadays considered the best possible practice in web design, and we will teach you the points that you must take into account when making your web responsive.

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