In Online Marketing we say that content is evergreen when it is capable of lasting over time without becoming outdated. It has no expiration date. It provides value for the user today and also six months from now.
On the Internet, where a day is equal to a year, where everything goes out of style before we know it was, where almost anything expires long before we have time to savor it, the most valued content is that which remains in the weather. Contradictory? Perhaps yes, but the current trend is committed to evergreen content.
It is not a content that has a date suitable for consumption: it does not respond to the present, nor to a specific moment in time. A news story about the latest Twitter update would only be interesting on the day that news is published, or a few days later. But in no case would it be an evergreen content since after those first days, everyone would already know the news of the social network, and in addition, in a few months Twitter will launch new updates and the news will be totally obsolete.
On the contrary, evergreen content adapts perfectly to any moment. It always responds to recurring themes and is an added value for anyone who is interested in them.
These are contents that do not need numerous updates over time. However, it always needs to be reviewed and updated, although to a lesser extent than other types of content. They never end up being considered obsolete.
They support various formats, as far as their form is concerned: ebooks, infographics, posts, whitepapers... and they are very interesting at an SEO level due to their ability to continuously generate interest, engagement, links and traffic.
Therefore, seeking a balance between evergreen content and others more related to today will be the key that definitively opens the door to success in Content Marketing.