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What is engagement?

What is engagement?

Engagement is one of those terms that are very fashionable in the world of Inbound Marketing and that you have heard about a million times. However, do you know its true meaning?

What is Engagement?

It is the ability of a product (a brand, a blog, an application) to create solid and lasting relationships with its users , generating that commitment that is established between the brand and consumers. The more we know about the user, the better tactics we can implement so that this relationship is solid and lasting.

Engagement can be measured in different ways, with repeat purchases, repeated visits to a site, or in web analytics through aspects such as the bounce rate and the time spent, the number of page views per user, the time the user remains on the web or comments on a post. In short, it is necessary to measure and increase the user's love for what you do.

How is it achieved?

Establishing a stable, long-lasting and deep relationship with the user, either by providing a differential value, interacting with it, giving it special treatment...

We have to listen to him, observe him, establish a conversation with him, placing the customer in our sights and not sales. We must make the user look for the interaction and want to repeat it, generating that emotional bond with our product thanks to our good practices.

In short, engagement is what we all aspire to; that the user wants our product and remains faithful to us. Connecting with our users is no longer a utopia. In this article we explain the secret ingredient to get engagement on social networks.


If You have any question then let me know I will try to give all the answer of your questions !!

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