(function(i,m,p,a,c,t){c.ire_o=p;c[p]=c[p]||function(){(c[p].a=c[p].a||[]).push(arguments)};t=a.createElement(m);var z=a.getElementsByTagName(m)[0];t.async=1;t.src=i;z.parentNode.insertBefore(t,z)})('https://utt.impactcdn.com/P-A4441360-e9b0-4ece-8d08-1a14071420071.js','script','impactStat',document,window);impactStat('transformLinks');impactStat('trackImpression'); What is the funnel or conversion funnel?

What is the funnel or conversion funnel?


What is the funnel or conversion funnel?

The funnel or conversion funnel is an Online Marketing term that tries to define the different steps that a user has to take to fulfill a certain objective within the web, be it a registration, a purchase or the generation of a lead .

The conversion funnel or funnel is used to determine the percentage of losses in each of the steps that the user performs on your website until the final objective is met, as well as which points must be optimized most urgently to get the largest number to convert. of possible users.

In our example we propose 4 steps that the user has to go through until reaching the final objective: which in this case is the purchase. These steps would be to enter the web, enter a product page, add a product to the cart and pay for it.

As can be seen, at the beginning of the process the initial number of users is large, but part of these are lost throughout the process of the funnel or conversion funnel: those who do not enter the product page, those who leave without adding a product to the cart, of these, those that leave before making the payment, etc.

In this case we see that from the "yellow" to the "blue" step (let's say it is the payment phase of the product) we would be losing a significant number of users, and therefore we should analyze the reasons for this fact , and thus increase the number of users that complete the process of this conversion funnel.

The most important thing about these types of techniques is that they help us detect elements for improvement in a very powerful way, as well as extract other types of valuable information for our online business. Our efforts would be aimed at detecting our weakest points and thus properly optimizing the entire procedure.

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