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What is an insight?

What is an insight?

Insight is one of the most used terms in Marketing, communication, advertising and branding. However, it is one of those words that is difficult to define and understand.

An insight is a key, the essence that allows us to find the solution to a problem. A path, a piece of information that suggests how to solve any equation, however complex it may be. An insight is not the solution, it is simply the point that leads us to the path of that solution .

In the world of content in which we talk so much about understanding the consumer, insights are vital because they make our work easier when it comes to producing any piece . An insight is obtained after researching the brand and the consumer. It allows us to better understand how to connect properly with all of them.

Finding a suitable insight we can discover a great opportunity or the solution to our problems through information that is not always easily observable. That is, they are the non-tangible aspects of the way the consumer thinks or feels, generating opportunities for new products or strategies .

The advantages of applying insights in Marketing and digital communication strategies are many and very diverse. Thanks to them we managed to feed our product by adding the demands and needs that the user had previously hidden and that we were unaware of, as well as improving our positioning strategy and helping us direct our efforts to build consumer loyalty in a more optimal way .

Insights are key to any company 's Content Marketing strategy  . So it is vital that before moving a piece of our puzzle, we do a good research. This will allow us to find these points in order to find the best solutions to our consumers' problems .

Examples of good insights used in campaigns

Nike's Find Your Greatness, a campaign for the 2012 London Olympics that encouraged people to excel as athletes, regardless of ability.

The insight here was clear: not only the Olympic athlete strives to break his limits. Nike's audience is precisely "the amateur athlete" so it is very well spun and that's how it worked so well.

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