The word meme refers to ideas, behaviors or styles that spread culturally between people . It was coined by Richard Dawkings in his book “The Selfish Gene”. It is a derivative of the Greek "mimema" which refers to what is imitated.
This concept has been transferred to the internet to describe ideas that go viral or are massively replicated through social networks, blogs, emails... and pass from person to person in an explosive way.
What is a meme?
The format of a meme can be a phrase, an image, a video or a more abstract concept . In general, their theme is humorous, almost bordering on the absurd, although sometimes they also become small philosophical pills. Therefore, we should never think that a meme is just a mere joke .
What characterizes memes is that they become an international phenomenon, spreading the same images or jokes in all parts of the world.
Do not expect to find great works of art, Paint is the most common in this practice as well as the simplest assemblies with Photoshop, aesthetics do not prevail in the world of memes, but what they intend to convey is .