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What is guest blogging?

What is guest blogging?

Guest Blogging is a common practice among bloggers, in which you participate as a guest in someone else's blog. Blogging is another Inbound Marketing tool that helps us (among other things) to spread information of interest to both our users and potential users. Among the many ways that exist to enrich a blog, Guest Blogging is one of the most widespread.

Benefits and Advantages of Guest Blogging

The advantages for the guest blogger (guest blogger) of writing a guest post (guest post) in a blog that is not theirs are several; from increasing your visibility and professional relationships, to talking about topics that you normally don't cover, or generating links to the blog. For its part, the blog gains different content, variety and the possibility of attracting new users. What we call a win to win for the blog and the blogger.

For example, if your blog is about futsal, and you have a small but loyal audience, you can collaborate with another friend who has a blog about soccer and publish a generic post about futsal curiosities on their blog, thus contributing different content and original to their users, and you will increase your visibility through their blog.

The fact that it works as a method of obtaining links makes Guest Blogging one of the most effective link building tactics today.

As we can see, Guest Blogging is a give and take in which everyone wins, but beware of penalties, in this article we will teach you how to do Guest Blogging without killing your website with penalties. You dare?

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