(function(i,m,p,a,c,t){c.ire_o=p;c[p]=c[p]||function(){(c[p].a=c[p].a||[]).push(arguments)};t=a.createElement(m);var z=a.getElementsByTagName(m)[0];t.async=1;t.src=i;z.parentNode.insertBefore(t,z)})('https://utt.impactcdn.com/P-A4441360-e9b0-4ece-8d08-1a14071420071.js','script','impactStat',document,window);impactStat('transformLinks');impactStat('trackImpression'); What is a hashtag?

What is a hashtag?

What is a hashtag?

A hashtag is a way of tagging content on social networks. It was popularized worldwide by Twitter. However, its use has spread to all areas of the Internet.

It consists of putting a hash mark before a term or succession of terms to generate a conversation around it . In some social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat , LinkedIn or Instagram, it is widely used by users to group all the content published around a specific topic.

What is a hashtag?

It is, without a doubt, a great marketing tool as they add value to campaigns by creating conversation about brands and their messages.

Actually, they are much more than a way to tag a conversation or a topic , because they have revolutionized the way consumers communicate with each other and with brands . Here are some of its many advantages:

  • They help spread a campaign and even turn it into a viral phenomenon.
  • They create and focus conversations about the brand.
  • They allow to transmit events and news in real time.
  • They provide very valuable content by the user.
  • They help the brand spread its message more easily.

How should a hashtag be?

Concise : If it is brief, it will be read much better and thus it can be more easily integrated into any type of format, channel and conversation.

Simple : Do not include very long numbers, initials or complicated words.

Social : It will only be effective if it allows conversation to be generated and concentrated around it.

Unique : Create a unique and original hashtag for your brand that reflects its personality.

Ubiquitous : The hashtag must become one more element of brand communication, it must be part of it.

Tools to monitor a hashtag

1. Hash tracking

Hashtracking  offers you tables, graphs, tweets and retweets, reach or impressions of the hashtasg you are looking for.

2. Hashtags.org

At  Hashtag.org  you will see all kinds of analytics on the most used hashtags in the last 24 hours. In addition to offering you the most popular hashtags, you can also see what type of users use them.

3.Bundle Post

BundlePost  allows you to create different sections for each of your campaigns in which you assign the hashtags you want to use for each of them.

4. Hashtagify

In the free version of  Hashtagify  you will be able to analyze related hashtags, the 6 most influential users, the variations of use of that hashtag and a list of the latest most popular tweets where it was used.

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